Van Zyl Retief

Tenant ‘Red Flags’ and How to Avoid Them

The wrong tenant can have a lasting negative effect. The residential property industry continues its upward trajectory, and investors are getting in on the action.  However, with the rise of investors choosing to take advantage of low prices and invest in ‘buy-to-let’ properties comes an excess supply of rental properties in areas with high supply and low demand. Residential rental vacancies in Gauteng are currently sitting at a high rate of 11.9%, while the Western Cape is sitting at a slightly lower 11.4% vacancy rate, according to TPN’s 2021 Q4 data. Although landlords may be getting desperate, industry experts advise you to think twice before signing on the first tenant who comes your way. Placing a tenant in your vacant property might help curb your losses in the short term, but putting the wrong tenant in can have a lasting negative effect. Contrary to popular belief, the law protects both the landlord and the tenant’s rights—and both parties are strongly urged to do their due diligence prior to signing a lease agreement. In terms of obligations, those of the tenant include the requirement to pay rent promptly, to take care of the property, and to return the property in the same condition in which it was received. Landlords, on the other hand, are required to provide the tenant with access to a safe home in good working order. They are also required to maintain the exterior of the building and to protect the tenant’s deposit. While some properties are enjoying an influx of rental applications, others are desperately seeking tenants—both of which are at risk. Receiving a rental application is a big relief for a landlord, so much so that they often overlook several red flags. Unfortunately, the price of avoiding the warning signs and securing a problem tenant carries a high price for landlords. This is because evicting tenants is a long and costly process in South Africa, requiring landlords to serve tenants with a ‘tenant eviction notice’ before they are entitled to a court hearing. Even if the court process rules in the landlord’s favour, only a court-appointed sheriff is allowed to remove the tenant’s belongings – and this process can take weeks, if not months. The obvious red flags While some of these red flags can be avoided by using a reputable letting agent (and agency), some of these obvious ones are often overlooked. A poor credit score A credit score refers to one’s ability to pay back their debt on time. The COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated high levels of debt in South Africa, and this will be a prevalent issue for years to come. Therefore, prior to signing on a tenant, a thorough credit check should be run. A credit score of 610-plus is generally acceptable. Affordability The general rule of thumb is that one’s monthly rental should not exceed 30% of their monthly salary. Accordingly, an assessment of a prospective tenant’s affordability will give a landlord a clearer idea of their monthly income and expenditure. Agents and landlords should ensure that the tenant has enough income left over to pay their rent, electricity, and water (where required). References A tenant will require a reference from previous landlords to determine their behaviour as a tenant.  A reference tells the landlord who the tenant is, and whether they are reliable. If the prospective tenant has no prior rental history, they will need to either arrange a co-signature on their lease agreement or offer to put another credible reference forward, such as their employer. The not-so-obvious red flags This list of potential red flags includes those that do not readily come to mind, which results in many landlords overlooking them in the tenant screening process: Employment history Employment is hard to come by. However, some prospective tenants’ short employment histories can tell a different story. Job hoppers or people who run into trouble in the workplace can sometimes display this kind of behaviour in their home lives as well. Criminal history Performing a criminal background check may sound extreme, but this is a standard part of the hiring process in many industries—and rentals should be no different. Some companies such as TPN provide a SAPS criminal background check to landlords as part of their Credit Check offering to ensure that your tenant is safe, honest, and reliable. General behaviour Quite often there are red flags from the very first engagement with a tenant. In some cases, they are hard to reach, or can be extremely difficult and demanding for no apparent reason. This is another reason why it’s important to use a rental agent whose judgement you can trust. Ensuring a good tenant-landlord relationship Here is some advice that will help landlords to ensure a smooth relationship with their tenant: Always communicate In cases where the tenant already occupies the property, be sure to communicate—and put everything in writing. Remain calm and rational should something go wrong and seek advice from estate agents and, when necessary, your attorney. Don’t be fooled by fast cash Don’t fall into the trap of accepting a large sum of cash upfront instead of regular rental payments. Just because they have the money now, doesn’t mean they’ll have it in four months’ time when the next payment is due. Don’t rush In cases where the tenant is dragging their feet about signing the rental agreement, don’t lose hope yet. Try your best to clearly communicate, perform all the necessary checks, answer any questions they may have, and spend a few days mulling over your decision before jumping into a lease agreement. Trust your gut Much like in any relationship, if something feels off when you’re engaging with a prospective tenant, trust your instincts. Paperwork can be forged, but your intuition is rarely wrong. WRITTEN BY GRANT SMEE Grant Smee is a property entrepreneur and a managing director. While every reasonable effort is taken to ensure the accuracy and soundness of the contents of this publication, neither the writers of the articles

Intending to buy a state-funded house? Here’s what you need to know

The Constitution of South Africa enshrines the right of everyone to have access to adequate housing. This places a mandatory duty on the state to achieve this right for all South Africans through its available resources. The government introduced the Reconstruction and Development Programme (RDP) as its social housing programme to provide low-income families with sustainable housing. Despite the substantial commitment by the government, there have been cases of illegal sales and fraudulent activities related to state-funded houses. The purpose of this article is to establish whether state-funded houses may be sold. Section 10A of the Housing Amendment Act (hereafter referred to as the “act”) is the relevant provision to consider in the regulation of the sale of state-funded housing. Section 10A of the act provides that notwithstanding any provisions to the contrary in any other law, it shall be a condition of every housing subsidy, as defined in the Code, granted to a natural person in terms of any national housing programme for the construction or purchase of a dwelling or serviced site, that such person shall not sell or otherwise alienate his or her dwelling or site within a period of eight years from the date on which the property was acquired by that person unless the dwelling or site has first been offered to the relevant provincial housing department. In the case of Adul v William and Others, the appellant concluded an agreement of sale and purchased a property from the respondents. Upon establishing that the property was subject to a restrictive condition imposed by section 10A of the act, the parties subsequently concluded another agreement wherein they agreed that the appellant would rent the property until the restrictive condition expired. The appellant was also required to pay municipal rates and taxes in terms of the second agreement. The appellant fell in arrears with paying the municipal rates and taxes. The respondents instituted eviction proceedings against the appellant in the Magistrate’s Court. The appellant was ordered to vacate the property, which she refused. Aggrieved by the order, the appellant appealed the decision to the High Court and among her issues were that: The act did not explicitly state that an agreement made in violation of section 10A would be rendered null and void. The lower court (court a quo) should have considered the inconvenience and impropriety caused by declaring the sale agreement null and void. The court found both agreements to be void ab initio (have no legal effect from inception), and thus nullity because their conclusion contravened the restrictive provisions of s10A of the act. Neither the appellant nor the respondents are the owners of the property. The ownership reverted to the relevant department of housing. The court held that the interpretation of s10A of the Act must be viewed in the context of the government’s constitutional obligation to provide adequate housing for indigent persons. The absence of the restriction provided for in s10A of the act would permit persons who were not indigent, to buy state-subsidised houses meant for the poor to profit from the sale or lease of such properties on the open market. Clearly, that would frustrate the objective of the act. Considering the foregoing, the act restricts the voluntary sale of state-funded houses, because it goes against its main objective. The provisions of section 10A of the act need to be clearly considered by the RDP prospective buyers before they pay any purchase price or conclude any agreement of sale. Reference list: Abdul v Williams and Others (CA227/2018) [2019] ZAECGHC 103 The Housing Amendment Act 4 of 2021   WRITTEN BY SINAZO MAU-MAU Sinazo Mau-Mau is an Attorney at Miller Bosman Le Roux Attorneys. While every reasonable effort is taken to ensure the accuracy and soundness of the contents of this publication, neither writers of the articles nor the publisher will bear any responsibility for the consequences of any actions based on information or recommendations contained herein.  Our material is for informational purposes. Powered by SucceedGroup

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