Van Zyl Retief

Transfer duty – No surprises – Part 2

The Transfer Duty Act 40/1949 (“the Act”) states that transfer duty (duty) is to be levied on any property acquired by any person by way of a transaction. The Act is clear as to whom and by when the duty is to be paid. It states that the duty shall be payable by the person […]

How will the POPI Act affect the real estate industry?

On 1 July 2020, the enactment of the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI Act) commenced, which will come into full effect on 1 July 2021. As its name states, the POPI Act aims to promote the safeguarding of personal information by putting in place the necessary regulations and legislation needed to realise this. Since its acceptance into parliament on 19 November 2013, the […]

Make the property transfer easy by picking the right conveyancer

Since property transfers are some of the highest-value transactions that you may make in your lifetime, it naturally follows that you need to ensure that you don’t let your money go to waste – especially when choosing someone to handle the process for you. Choosing the right conveyancing attorney can save you a lot of headaches down the […]

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