Van Zyl Retief

Everything you need to know about suretyship agreements

A deed of suretyship is an agreement that is concluded by a creditor and a third party. The essentialia of this type of agreement are that the surety (third party) undertakes to be liable to the creditor for the due performance by the debtor of his or her obligations in terms of the principal debt. […]

How to future-proof your business before the next crisis

While the possibility of a global pandemic was always at the back of our minds, its emergence still managed to catch us off-guard and wreaked havoc on every aspect of our lives, particularly the world of work. Therefore, it’s safe to say that Covid-19 has been a wake-up call for organisations to rethink their priorities […]

Personal liability of directors of non-profit organisations

I am a director of an NPO. Can I be held liable in my personal capacity for damages caused by or debt incurred by the organisation? I thought that I was doing something good. What does it mean to carry on business recklessly? Can I be held accountable if I knew about dodgy transactions but it was not my signature on the […]

The A-Z of POPI compliance

The Protection of Personal Information (POPI) Act came into full effect on the 1st of July 2021. If you still haven’t implemented your POPI compliance strategy, it is strongly advisable that you take quick and decisive steps to do so as non-compliance could carry hefty penalties. To ensure that you get your (POPI) act together, we’ve put together a handy […]

How you can improve your business’s cybersecurity

As a business owner in the digital age, one of the best things that you can do to gear yourself for the future of your industry is to learn how to protect your business and its interests from cyber threats that could lead to damages on a large scale. One of the most frequent minor inconveniences we face in the modern age […]

Budget 2021: Corporate tax amendments

Finance Minister Tito Mboweni delivered his third annual budget address on 24 February 2021. The corporate tax rate reduction from 28% to 27% for years of assessment commencing on or after 1 April 2022 was arguably the most significant windfall for corporate taxpayers, although the actual cash benefits thereof will only be seen in the 2023 calendar year. Below, we highlight some of the other significant proposals, which […]

Take this quiz and test your cybersecurity readiness

How well are you equipped for handling cyber threats to your business? Take the quiz below to test your knowledge on cybersecurity. You just received an email from a client telling you to attend to an urgent financial matter with a link to help you. Do you… ? a.) Click the link provided to sort out the problem […]

A few handy growth tips for sole proprietor business owners

Running a business as a sole proprietor, especially in a highly volatile economy, is a momentous task. You started your business because you believed that, at least to some extent, you could make the world a better place and provide a service/product that would benefit others. Unfortunately, running a business is about more than just owning your area of […]

5 Tips to digitally expand your business’s professional network

The importance of networking – especially during COVID-19 – should not be overlooked. While many business owners have been struggling to stay afloat in the economic downturn that has resulted from the events of 2020, they may have been neglecting one of their key resources in maintaining their success. Good networking skills are one of the most […]

How your business can do more by doing less

If there is anything that the time of COVID-19 has taught us, it is that technological preparedness is an essential part of running any business. In the past few months, many businesses that did not have the necessary infrastructures in place have struggled to keep up with their competitors who did. The adaptation of technology in the business space has become more prevalent in the past few […]

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